Tempdrop values all its customers - we know many companies say this but it was you, our customers, that helped us get started and continue to drive our innovation and growth - we will always do everything in our power to protect your privacy.
In this article we have put together the answers to the most common questions around protection of data.

Before we dive into the questions and answers, we want you to know that you own your data. You control the information and the level of detail you enter into the Tempdrop app.
We also want to preface these questions by saying we follow the European General Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR), which is considered to be not just the privacy of communication but also part of human rights law.
Who do you share our data with?
We share only essential information with service providers (not including sensor related data*), who assist us with the internal operation of providing the Tempdrop service. These companies are authorized to use your information ONLY as necessary, to provide these services to us and not for their own purposes.
If you give us your express permission, we will create a de-identified copy of your data to share with external researchers who conduct research regarding women's health and fertility-care.
- We may also share your data with relevant third parties IF you violate our terms of service.
- You can see a list of our providers in our data privacy policy.
Tempdrop does not, has not, and will never sell your data, nor volunteer it to others.

Can I delete my data?
Yes! You can request to delete your data at any time. We comply with GDPR’s right to be forgotten principle.
There are 2 ways you can delete your data:.
- Find a “Delete my account" option in the app menu. This is instantaneous.
IMPORTANT NOTE - doing this is irreversible! We cannot at any future time retrieve your account details. It removes all personal identification from the data, making it impossible for us to be able to ever identify it as your personal account data again.
After deleting it, if you decide to create a new account, you will not be able to use the same email address. You will need to sign up with a different email address.
2. You can email us to ask for your data to be deleted. This can take a minimum of 5 days to be actioned.
What steps are you taking to protect our personal data?
We enable you to control the information and level of detail you enter into the Tempdrop app. You can add as much or as little information as you wish. You can also continue to use your choice of 3rd party charting app or the option to paper chart.
What if you are subpoenaed to provide a user's data?
This has not happened to date, and we don't anticipate that it will.
If in the unlikely event we are subpoenaed, we will make efforts to dismiss the requirement using legal measures. If, despite our candid efforts, we are nevertheless obligated to disclose your information, we will disclose the minimum information required. We also should add that we believe the data we hold is in its raw form (without the chart) will be of no use to a government agency.
You can also choose to delete your data at any time using the options mentioned previously. Once your information is deleted, it will not be subject to any disclosure.

Why is location tracking required for us to get our cycle info?
Location is an Android Bluetooth requirement. It is not something we specifically track.
Where can I get more information about your data privacy policy?
We are completely transparent about our data privacy policy. You can access the policy anytime on our website (here) and it is also available to read in the Tempdrop app - select Settings > Terms > Privacy Policy.
If you have any additional questions you can reach out to our team via email or using our social media pages.
*All sensor data is stored on our servers and our service providers do not have access to this data.