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SymptoPro - Fertility Awareness Method Overview

SymptoPro - Fertility Awareness Method Overview

February 09, 2025

SymptoPro - Fertility Awareness Method Overview

The SymptoPro™ Fertility Awareness Method is a natural, effective and scientifically backed approach to identifying a woman's fertile and infertile window within her menstrual cycle by observing key fertility markers. 

SymptoPro was created by the collaboration between Northwest Family Services (NWFS) and Dr. Josef Roetzer from Austria based on his research on natural family planning (or NFP). This symptothermal method was first introduced in 1977 and provides couples with an effective and natural family planning approach. The term "symptothermal" means that both symptoms and temperature are charted, offering detailed information about a woman’s fertility. 

Biomarkers Tracked

The SymptoPro Fertility Awareness Method combines two of the main fertility signs:

  • Cervical Mucus (CM) – SymptoPro uses three cervical mucus categories where changes in the consistency, color, and sensation of cervical mucus are observed that indicate shifts in fertility.

  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT) – Measuring a woman’s waking body temperature, giving her accurate insight into whether ovulation has occurred.


SymptoPro also encourages clients to track “secondary signs” which are not used to determine fertility status but instead give further insights into recurring symptoms throughout the different cycle phases. These include: 

  • Cervical Position - Due to hormonal shifts, the cervix changes its position, firmness, and openness throughout the cycle, offering a reliable tool for fertility charting. While tracking this is optional, it can provide additional insights about a woman’s body, especially for those who struggle to track their cervical mucus. 

  • Intermenstrual Pain – Some women experience discomfort or cramping (often on one side) during their fertile window, lasting from minutes to several hours. 

  • Intermenstrual spotting - Any type of bleeding or spotting that is not associated with a period.

  •  Breast tenderness - Sensitivity or tenderness in the breasts or nipples at different points in the cycle.

How the SymptoPro Method Works

SymptoPro is a course of extensively researched rules that combine tracking cervical mucus and BBT to determine a woman’s fertile and infertile windows. These signs are charted daily, with cervical mucus being observed throughout the day and BBT being recorded every morning. 

Example of Tempdrop chart showing BBT readings, the fertile window, ovulation and cervical mucus 

Benefits of the SymptoPro Method

High Efficacy: SymptoPro is highly effective, with effectiveness ranging from 97-99.6% depending on the rules being used. For example, if someone carefully follows the conservative symptothermal rule and abstains from intercourse during their fertile window, the method could be as effective as 99.6% in preventing pregnancy.

The “typical use” effectiveness, or how the method is generally used in the real world, shows a range of 90 to 99% success in preventing pregnancy. For instance, if someone forgets to record their cervical mucus a few times, or misinterprets a rule, this might lower the effectiveness. 

Irregular Cycles: The combination of cervical mucus and BBT observations comes with greater accuracy, and works not only for women with regular cycles but also for women experiencing postpartum, perimenopause, coming off birth control, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Hormone Free: The method-effectiveness for SymtoPro is as reliable as many hormonal contraceptives. This allows users to avoid potential hormonal side effects while still achieving a high level of effectiveness.

Holistic Body Awareness: The SymptoPro method encourages a deep understanding of a woman’s body and cycle. By tracking signs like cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and other symptoms, women can develop a deeper awareness of their reproductive health, hormonal patterns, and overall well-being. This allows them to act sooner in case any new symptoms occur or if they seek to improve their cycle overall. Understanding fertility signs can be a powerful tool for making informed health and family planning decisions.

Non-Invasive and Budget-Friendly: SymptoPro does not require ongoing prescriptions or invasive procedures, making it a great side-effect-free alternative. The method also does not require any expensive devices or create any unnecessary environmental waste. Once the method is learned there is little to no additional cost, making it more budget-friendly than other contraceptive methods.

Personalized Support from Instructors: Each user has access to their SymptoPro instructor who provides lifetime email support, guidance, and answers to any questions, including challenging cycles. This personalized support increases confidence and charting accuracy. 

Disadvantages of the SymptoPro Method

Commitment Required: SymptoPro requires regular observations of cervical mucus and BBT. For those with busy or unpredictable schedules, finding the time each day to record symptoms may feel challenging. Many women do find that charting integrates seamlessly into their routine once the habit is formed and using Tempdrop can help ease the challenges of strict BBT recording.

Initial Learning Curve: Learning the method requires an upfront investment of time and dedication, as women must familiarize themselves with daily charting. It can take two to three cycles to build a new charting habit.

Intimacy Adjustment: Since the method traditionally involves abstaining during the fertile window for the highest effectiveness (though some couples may choose to use barrier methods during the fertile days, which adjusts effectiveness to that of the barrier method) partners may need to rethink intimacy and find new ways to maintain closeness which can be an adjustment. However, many couples find that these adaptations can deepen their connection, encouraging communication and exploration of other forms of intimacy during the most fertile days of the cycle.


To achieve the highest effectiveness while using SymptoPro, a woman must learn the method in a structured environment with personalized support from her instructor. This allows for personal follow-ups to answer questions or clear up misunderstandings. 

Personal instructors generally offer lifetime email access for complicated cycle charts that need further help, allowing women to feel supported beyond the initial learning process.

The course is typically taught by certified educators, either in person or online, providing step-by-step guidance along the way. It offers many practice examples to understand the different SymptoPro rules to build charting confidence, and it involves follow-up appointments to go over their personal charts in more detail. 

Despite SymptoPro’s popularity in the Christian space, the method is not exclusive to any one religion. It’s designed without theological components. However, if someone wishes to learn more about that aspect of the method, the instructor would be happy to share resources.

Who is the SymptoPro Method Best For?

SymptoPro is ideal for women and couples seeking a natural and non-invasive method of family planning. It’s great for those who want to avoid the side effects of hormonal contraceptives and for those who value understanding their bodies' natural rhythms. 

The method can be used by women with regular and irregular cycles alike. In the latter case, it can be helpful to work more closely with an instructor, especially in the beginning months. 

Where to Learn More

SymptoPro in a Nutshell 

Biomarkers Tracked: Cervical mucus, BBT, cervical position (optional) 

Effectiveness: Up to 99.6% effective for avoiding pregnancy

Learning Curve: Moderate; Requires going through a course and allowing 1-3 cycles to fully grasp the method and build a charting habit.

Ideal For: Individuals or couples seeking a natural, hormone-free method of family planning that is highly effective.

Meet Someone Who Knows the Method - Jasmine 

Jasmin Caviezel is a SymptoPro fertility awareness instructor and menstrual cycle coach dedicated to supporting women on their unique journeys. Through her own 

Jasmin Caviezel

struggles with hormonal birth control, copper IUD side effects, and debilitating PMS symptoms, she easily connects with women in similar situations. Jasmine takes pride in providing a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals facing fertility challenges including PCOS, irregular cycles, and the desire to get pregnant. She believes that learning and understanding one's fertility and menstrual cycle is often the missing link on a woman’s health journey. If you are intrigued and would like to learn more about her personal courses, feel free to check out her website listed below or connect with her on Instagram or contact her via email.

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