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Sensiplan - Fertility Awareness Method Overview

Sensiplan - Fertility Awareness Method Overview

February 09, 2025

Sensiplan - Fertility Awareness Method Overview

Sensiplan is a highly researched symptothermal method of natural family planning (NFP). Symptothermal means observing a woman’s biological signs (or biomarkers) to identify their fertile window. Sensiplan was founded in the 1980s by the NFP Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe NFP) in Germany. It has many published studies and stunningly offers over 99% efficacy for those avoiding pregnancy.

Biomarkers tracked

The following primary biomarkers are required for the Sensiplan method:

  • Cervical Mucus - Checked with each bathroom visit, with abbreviations assigned based on mucus appearance and sensation.
  • Basal body temperature (BBT) – Or resting body temperature. Taken each morning after rest and before any of the day’s activities begin. BBT will be recorded in Celsius.
  • Cervix Position – This biomarker can replace mucus observations without lowering efficacy. Checked daily at a consistent time, women would self-determine cervix height, openness, and firmness.

The following secondary biomarkers are optional for Sensiplan since they offer insight about a woman’s cycle but can’t solely identify the fertile window:

  • Breast changes or tenderness 
  • Mittelschmerz (mid cycle or ovulation pain)
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods

How the Sensiplan Method works

Sensiplan teaches you how to use your daily observations in real-time to thoroughly identify your fertile and infertile phases. It relies on a strong double-check principle to both open and close the fertile window, increasing effectiveness. To open the fertile window, Sensiplan considers either cervical mucus observations or a calculation rule — whichever comes first in the cycle. To close the fertile window, both cervical mucus and basal body temperature rules must be met.



Each day, a woman will take her basal body temperature (using a BBT tracking device, such as Tempdrop) and cervical mucus (or cervix) observations. This takes just a few minutes, and a woman can use either toilet paper or a clean finger to check for cervical mucus. At the end of each day, daily observations will be recorded in a cycle chart and the data can be evaluated. Daily observations can be charted manually on paper or digitally using an app designed for fertility tracking. You will also need to make a note of anything unusual that happens, such as illness, travel, poor sleep, or alcohol intake as these may impact BBT. 

Benefits of the Sensiplan Method

High Efficacy: Sensiplan has conducted many studies over the last 30 years, and the efficacy rate for women avoiding pregnancy is remarkably high at 99.6%. This is comparable to some options that would alter or affect hormones unnecessarily. This percentage, of course, assumes that the method has been learned from a certified instructor and that the rules are strictly followed. But even allowing for typical use, which is how the method is generally used in the real world, the efficacy rate remains very high at 98.2%.

Hormone Free: A natural alternative to managing fertility whether the goal is to avoid or conceive a pregnancy, or just to learn body literacy. 

Flexibility: Once learned, Sensiplan can be used in all phases of life from puberty to menopause, including irregular cycles, post-hormonal birth control, breastfeeding, and postpartum. Women can choose to observe cervical mucus or cervix position, based on personal preference or ease of observation, without lowering efficacy.


Self-Teaching Option: Sensiplan can be self-taught if preferred, with only the handbook and workbook. This method also allows shared responsibility for birth control as both partners can learn to apply the rules.

Scientifically Backed: Sensiplan is the most scientifically studied symptom-thermal fertility method with a proven high level of safety for avoiding pregnancy. It is a secular and evidence-based method.

Disadvantages of the Sensiplan Method

Up Front Cost: For the highest efficacy, it is best to learn with a certified instructor to ensure a full understanding of the rules, which will have an upfront cost. However, there are no ongoing costs to Sensiplan once you have studied the rules of the method.

Daily Commitment: Women need to be committed to learning and be diligent with recording observations to ensure an accurate evaluation.

Learning Curve: It may take at least 3 cycles to become independent with the chart evaluation, especially if self-teaching.

Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices could make the chart difficult to evaluate. For example, if a woman struggles to wake up at the same time for the temperature observation or enjoys an alcoholic drink on weekends, the method is sensitive to these occurrences.

Considerations & Learning

Learning to observe and chart the fertility cycle might feel overwhelming at first, but with the right guidance and practice, women can build confidence in reading their body’s signs. Learning with a certified Sensiplan instructor is the best way to gain a full understanding of the Sensiplan method and is an opportunity to have all questions answered. 

Certified instructors can be found on the Sensiplan website (See: How do I start?) or on the “Read Your Body” website directory. Many educators offer both in-person and online teaching, with personalized classes tailored to any circumstances. 

While Sensiplan can be self-taught by purchasing the handbook and workbook, this approach may result in a lower efficacy and a longer learning curve. Online communities are a great resource for self-taught users.

Women who are breastfeeding or those who have long, or irregular cycles are encouraged to learn with a certified instructor. 

Who is the Sensiplan Method best for?

Sensiplan is an ideal method for health-conscious women and couples who are seeking a highly studied, safe option for hormone-free birth control free of side effects. It’s also a great choice for women who wish to learn body literacy and gain a deeper understanding of their cycle, or couples looking to achieve a pregnancy. 

Where to learn more

With structured online or in-person classes and self-study materials available, learning Sensiplan is accessible, whether with an instructor or independently. 

Sensiplan in a Nutshell

  • Biomarkers Tracked: Cervical Mucus or Cervix & Basal Body Temperature
  • Effectiveness: 99.6% perfect use/98.2% typical use
  • Learning Curve: Requires four classes and 1-3 cycles to gain an understanding of method rules. This tends to increase if self-teaching. 
  • Ideal For: Women and couples with an interest in safe natural family planning. 
  • Where to Learn More: https://www.sensiplan.de/en 

    Meet Someone Who Knows the Sensiplan Method - Gemma

    Gemma Thompson is a certified Sensiplan instructor based in the UK. Her journey
    with fertility awareness methods (FABMs) began in 2017 after she unintentionally fell pregnant while using a birth control app. This unexpected experience led her to explore fertility awareness and gain a deeper understanding of the female cycle. Since then, she has learned that natural pregnancy prevention is entirely possible and is passionate about helping other women achieve body literacy to take control of their reproductive health. For details on current courses and ways to work with Gemma, visit www.trackyourfertility.comcontact her at trackyourfertility@gmail.com or visit Instagram.

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