For your baby: There's cardiac activity in your baby's developing heart. You'll see the cells flickering if you have a vaginal ultrasound in the next few weeks.
There are dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are forming. Emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head. And inside their tiny mouth, the tongue and vocal cords are beginning to develop.
Your baby's arms and legs begin as tiny paddles that will lengthen and grow into limbs. The backbone extends into a small tail that will disappear within a few weeks.
For yourself: As the expectant parent you might be experiencing morning sickness. To reduce some of your symptoms, while it may seem counterintuitive, you should eat small meals throughout the day to help keep nausea at bay. Snacking on bland foods, drinking ginger tea, and taking certain medications can help relieve morning sickness.