At 24-27 weeks, your baby is about the size of a cauliflower and weighs 1.5-2 lbs (700-1000 g). With all that size and weight, you will likely feel more frequent movement from your baby! Their movement is coordinated and reactive - kicking, stretching, grasping, thumb sucking.
Your baby’s eyelids start to open around this time, but their vision is still immature and blurry. They can distinguish better between different sounds, especially voices, at this age. Your baby’s lungs are continuing to form, though they still aren’t ready to breathe air.
The skin becomes more opaque as the fat just beneath the skin continues to accumulate. Their body is still practicing temperature regulation, helped by the ever-improving circulatory system.
A lot of development is continuing to happen in the brain, as well. Neural pathways are continuing to form, creating the foundation for complex cognitive function.