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Pregnancy - Week 19

Pregnancy - Week 19

At 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is about the size of a beefsteak tomato and growing to around the size of a banana by the end of week 20. 

In most areas, an anatomy scan ultrasound is done between weeks 18 and 20 of pregnancy, so if you haven’t gone in yet, you may be going soon. There are a lot of exciting things you can see on this ultrasound, as their genitalia is fully formed and your baby is mostly proportional to when they will be born (just smaller). This is an important ultrasound as it allows your provider to do a quick scan to make sure your baby has developed the key organs and has hit the expected milestones while still in the womb.

Your baby’s facial features aren’t going to change a ton more between now and birth (other than growing with baby’s growth). They are starting to grow hair on their scalp during these weeks, too.

Your baby’s digestive system is rapidly developing at this point. To practice and use this system, your baby increases the frequency of their practice swallows. They swallow amniotic fluid, then release it back into the sac as amniotic fluid. This gives the digestive tract plenty of practice before your baby leaves your body. 

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