At 15-16 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is around the size of an apple, growing to the size of an avocado.
Your baby’s facial features are continuing to develop, but their skin is still mostly translucent at this stage. Your baby is growing eyebrows and eyelashes now! Other thin, fine hair (called lanugo) is developing on your baby - some babies will still have quite a bit of this when they’re born. The purpose of this hair is to create a little bit of a barrier between your baby and their environment of amniotic fluid.
Along with the little movements like swallowing, your baby will start making more intentional movements and may even respond to physical stimuli at this stage of development. These are still small movements at this point, so they may be difficult for you to feel, or may be undetectable to you just yet.
Some big, visible things are happening structurally for your baby too. A lot of your baby’s growth is happening in developing and hardening some of the soft cartilage in their body into longer, harder bones. With this, the circulatory system is growing to reach these new extremities. Your baby’s genitalia are fully formed now, so if you have an ultrasound around this time, you should be able to get a more accurate sex reveal (if you intend to find out the gender of the baby).